Be Successful At Work

BE SUCCESSFUL AT WORK MAKING WORK “WORK” Many people are raised to think of work as a four-letter word — literally, a curse we are burdened by and forced to do. However, there are a lot of different ways you can take on the “world of...

What is the Resume Format for You?

WHAT IS THE RESUME FORMAT FOR YOU? A personal marketing package is a personʼs first introduction to a prospective employer. Therefore, it must make a great presentation. It should be accurate, neat, attractive, error-free and as professional as one wants to be...

Know What Makes You Great

Know What Makes You Great By Marissa Ermelinda Maldonado Searching for a good job can be time consuming and stressful and many people become discouraged when they go through numerous interviews and still turn up with no job offer in hand. One way to relieve stress is...