Workplace Violence

By Sheena Williams When you hear about violence in the news, it’s usually out in the streets or some far away country in an area that has nothing to do with you directly. Even if it’s closer to home, it’s always some other person who was abused by their spouse or...

The Workforce Connection

The Workforce Connection: Workforce Solutions-Alamo (Rural) and Campusjobxpress Make The Difference By Melvin Collins, Jr. It began in Waco with the Workforce Solutions For The Heart Of Texas (WSHOT) and it matured with and through the cooperation of Workforce...

Finding A Job Right Out of College

So you’ve got that handy paper in hand with your name on it that says you are fully competent in your field. You’ve spent long hours researching and studying for test after test, and now, you are ready to enter the workforce. The question is, “Now what?” You have been...