2 Seasons

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Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Featured Episode

Becoming a Divi Web Designer

Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. Consectetur et tristique non, pulvinar preti. Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. 

Season 2, Episode 4    |    38min

Behavioral Questions

A Commentary by C’Mone Collins So in the previous article entitled “GPA’S and Brainteasers: New Insights From Google On Recruiting and Hiring,” we found out that Google’s senior vice president believed that brainteasers were “a complete waste of time” and that GPAs...

20 Resume Trends for 2013

by: lhgould Resumes in 2013 should be worded short, concise and to the point. Let’s take a few minutes to review new emerging trends for the resume for this upcoming year 2013. The resume still remains the essential tool for your job search but the ever changing...

2013 Resume Writing Trends

  By Contributing Writer A new year has begun and that means new job hunting trends. While the resume has also played an important role, there are also new trends to which we must pay attention. The most important thing to remember in writing your resume is that 2013...

Job Hunting Etiquette

By Sheena Williams When you are out looking for a job, there are some things that go unspoken when you’re on the hunt, which is really too bad because they are things that are really basic, but they make a large impact on how you are perceived by future employers....

Body Language

Body Language By Sheena Williams Reading people is an art that has been around for ages.  Watching the way others move can tell you a lot about what they are thinking and what they are trying to say. If you watch your employer when he/she speaks to staff, you can look...

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