2 Seasons

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Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Featured Episode

Becoming a Divi Web Designer

Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. Consectetur et tristique non, pulvinar preti. Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. 

Season 2, Episode 4    |    38min

When Opportunity Knocks…

By Ayunne Collins When opportunity knocks, do you answer? Well, do you? Everyone is always told to never give up. Many people take that advice, but others may not always follow suit. At a certain age, you start to get hit with life quotes and I am throwing one at you....

Is Your Career Blooming?

By Silvia Seelig In searching for a job, many things need to be taken into consideration when selecting the companies that interest you. You should think about the type of job you want, the type of work environment that best suits you, and what a company has to offer...

If Not Resumes, Then What?

By Silvia Seelig Regular resumes have almost become obsolete. It is still a good idea to have one, but don’t stop there. We suggest that you always have an electronic resume at your convenience, but other than resumes, we will also discuss other job search tools...

Job Search: Ready! Set! Go!

By Ayunne Collins When preparing for a job search, what are the appropriate steps to take? What do you have to do to get ready? What items should you put together for purpose of ease? How should you conduct this job search? All these questions come to mind when you...

Getting An Employer’s Attention

By Yolanda L Salazar With the job market the way it is today, it is not only difficult to get a job, but it is becoming extremely difficult in just getting an interview. There could be many reasons why you are not getting an interview. Take a good look at your resume....

General Assessment

As you conduct your job search, besides considering the usual — dress for success, arriving timely, questions to ask, knowledge of company, knowing your interviewer’s name, etc., realize also that upon getting the interview, you may be asked to go through various...

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