2 Seasons

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Featured Episode

Becoming a Divi Web Designer

Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. Consectetur et tristique non, pulvinar preti. Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. 

Season 2, Episode 4    |    38min

So Much More Than Candy

The Mars Waco Plant began operating in 1976, becoming the first Mars facility west of the Mississippi River. The company built a plant that has brown to 625,00 square feet with 870 employees, who in addition to M&M's, also make Skittles, Starburst, Twix, Mars,...

Dr. Pepper

Dr. Pepper originated in Waco, Texas. Dr Pepper was created around 1885 by a young pharmacist named Charles Alderton. He introduced it to the owner of Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store. He liked it so they began selling it to a few local customers. After collaborating...

Banishing a Negative Self-Image

By Sheena Williams "I don't have the skills.", "They won't hire me", or "I'm not cut out for this type of work." Why don't you have the skills? How do you know they won't hire you? Who told you that you were not cut out for that type of work? Sometimes we can be our...

Interviewing Gets The job

The Interviewing Process Can Be Demanding, But Rewarding. One of the most important part of the interview is, of course, you know it, appearance! Be impressive, but not overly dressed and create a great first impression. This is what the interviewer will based their...

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