2 Seasons

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Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Featured Episode

Becoming a Divi Web Designer

Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. Consectetur et tristique non, pulvinar preti. Cras luctus ornare est, sed pharetra mauris vestibulum in. In nulla sem. 

Season 2, Episode 4    |    38min

Preparing for the Interview

PREPARING FOR THE INTERVIEW   It's a known fact that employers hire people they like, people who they can relate to or who they seem are like them somehow. Because of this, first and foremost, be likable and create a good first impression on your interview. P E O...

Culture at Work

Culture at Work Culture is at work every day and while most people think of culture as a way to distinguish their membership to an ethnic group, they seldom think of it as having an impact at their job or their interviewing process.  When you apply to a job, you are...

Creating Your Future

Creating Your Future In creating your future, you need to learn how to choose to be the YOU you want to be! We are not our actions, because we can change our actions and still be ourselves. For the same reason, we are not our thoughts, our opinions, our beliefs or our...

Discussion 2: Resume and profile

Discussion 2: This week we need to discuss your resume and profile. This important to us and you because this is how selections are made. In talking to many of you, lots of resumes are being sent out with out much success. This may be due to your resume not giving the...

So Much Talent

SO MUCH TALENT..... There is this belief that everyone who steps foot inside of a workforce center has a problem.  And I don't mean the problem of finding a job.  I mean the social stigma of receiving a social service of any kind. Though there is no shame in...

Who’s in Charge of You?

  WHO'S IN CHARGE OF YOU? We have many ways of being ourselves. We can be outgoing or we can be quiet and shy. These are two of the many different ways we can behave. We try to act the "right" way in every situation, but sometimes we get stuck with...

Going Out And About Town

Getting Out and About Town! It's a small world after all, at least that's what Disney tells us, but when you live in a small town, or you just moved to somewhere new, the world gets even tinier! You're looking to meet people, go out, try new things, but you can't find...

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