Convert to Employer Account Step 1 of 4 0% * All Questions are required.Your Name* First Last SECTION I - ATTITUDE Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.1. Which one of the following characteristics best describes you as a worker?* a. Reliable b. Quiet c. Easy Going d. Nicely Dressed 2. Which one of the following best describes your attitude at work?* a. Committed b. Accepting c. Happy d. Friendly 3. As a fairly new employee, you are invited to have lunch with the guys. When you get to the restaurant, you notice that half of the guys have ordered beers with their meal. They are encouraging you to go along with the crowd and order a beer—just one. It can’t hurt. What do you do?* a. You feel it’s your lunch hour, so you should be able to order a beer b. You don’t think it’s right, but you do it anyway. c. You tell the guys a lie and say that you are taking medication and can’t drink. d. You just say no to the beer and enjoy your meal 4. I like that I am trustworthy, talented, knowledgeable and committed to my work.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 5. To be successful at work, it is not a good idea to have a negative attitude.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 6. You must have a good education to get a good job.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 7. It’s okay to use a sick day, even if I’m not sick. I have earned it.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 8. My income from working is important to my family's stability.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 9. As long as I get my work done, it’s okay to take a little extra time at lunch.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 10. I should use my earned leave anytime I choose.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 2 - RESPECT Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.11. Gossip at work does not hurt anyone.* a. True b. False 12. My mood at work only affects me.* a. True b. False 13. Several co-workers and you get together at break and one of them tells the group that her sister thinks she saw another co-worker with someone else’s husband at a convenience store. They start talking about the possibility of an affair between the two. Since you have a closer relationship with this person than the others, you are point blank asked if you think this is true. What do you do?* a. Do you say you know her very well and you know that she would not ever do anything like that? b. Do you say, “She’s not here to defend herself, but it’s nobody’s business, so why don’t we just drop it? c. Do you say you don’t really know her that well and let the rumor continue? d. Do you say you don’t know her that well, but you feel that maybe that wasn’t her? 14. Your good friend works in Human Resources and she tells you, in confidence, that the company is about to have a really big layoff. What do you do?* a. You tell your closest friend who also works there. b. You try your very best to keep the information to yourself. c. You tell your mother because she doesn’t work at your company anyway. d. You absolutely don’t tell anyone. 15. Your job consists of working with three other employees. You personally like two of them, but the third person is bossy and very difficult to get along with, so you ignore that person as much as possible.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 16. The basis of a good relationship begins with acceptance of other people.* a. True b. False SECTION 3 - POSITIVENESS Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.17. My working can be a good influence on my children.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 18. My family keeps me centered and focused.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 19. My family is supportive of my need to work.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 20. When I go in for an interview, I should always arrive at least 15 minutes early.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree Instructions:Read the following statements and select either a True or False answer.21. We don't get to choose the people we work with.* a. True b. False 22. To gain someone's trust:* a. You should agree with everything they say b. Go to lunch with them every day c. Keep your agreements and your word d. Pretend to be their best friend 23. People under stress can blow up at each other so forgiveness and "getting over it" are very important skills at work.* a. True b. False 24. Expressing yourself could be a tremendous contribution, both to yourself and to your workplace.* a. True b. False SECTION 4 - VALUES AND GOALS Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.25. You witness a co-worker taking supplies from the job. What should you do?* a. You should mind your own business. b. You should report it to your supervisor. c. You should ask your best friend for advice. d. You tell the co-worker not to do it again. 26. You find three dollars in your desk. What should you do?* a. You should tell a supervisor. b. You should leave it in the desk untouched. c. You should just use it for break. d. You should give it to a friend who needs it. 27. In order to be good at work, an employee should learn to start planning, being a good team player, following through with goals and developing good communication skills.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 28. To be able to get to my job, I need a really nice car.* True False 29. My job is more important than my family.* a. True b. False 30. The good discipline of my children will help me on a job.* a. True b. False SECTION 5 - PREPARATION FOR WORK Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.31. The time your children go to bed has no effect on your job.* a. True b. False 32. You should identify and prepare your clothes the night before for your work the next day.* a. True b. False 33. You should have a set bedtime for yourself.* a. True b. False 34. How you manage your home has an effect on your job.* a. True b. False 35. As a working parent, the most important thing to do in order to get ready to work is to plan your childcare and transportation situations.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 6 - INTEGRITY Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.36. Getting to work five minutes late is almost the same as getting to work on time.* a. True b. False 37. You are given the access for placing long distance calls from your office using the toll-free line, because it is part of your job to call customers regarding their accounts. You decide to call a few family members, because, after all, it is a toll-free line and it doesn't cost anybody anything.* a. True b. False 38. If you need a few supplies for home, it is all right to take them from work, if you pay for them later.* a. True b. False 39. Doing drugs on the weekend is none of my employer's business.* a. True b. False 40. Your new job has allowed you to make a new friend. You are both single parents and you have a lot in common. You get to work at the same time, have coffee breaks together and punch in the time clock at the same time every day. One morning, your friend calls you at home before you leave for work. Your friend has a situation that will maker her late for work by about two hours or so. Knowing that every hour’s wage is vital, your friend asks you to punch in her time card when you clock in.* a. Do you punch in her time card when you check in? b. Do you punch in her time card, but tell her this is the only time? c. Do you punch in her time card and don't say anything to her? d. Do you say no, it's against the rules? Instructions:Read the following scenarios, then, answer the questions as best you can.41. You work for a manufacturing company building computers. You and your co-workers have access to expensive parts and items on the assembly line. You happen to find out that two of your co-workers are stealing parts on a daily basis and selling them to individuals away from work.* a. Do you make contact with these two co-workers and try and get in on this money-making scheme? b. Do you report this to the big boss? c. Do you report this to your immediate supervisor? d. Do you chalk it up as someone else's problem and leave it alone? SECTION 7 - CUSTOMER SERVICE Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.42. If you are assigned a certain task within your job description, but you don't know how to do it, what would you do?* a. Fake it. b. Stall and call in sick. c. Ask for help. d. Admit lack of knowledge and ask for more input from your supervisor. 43. You work in the Pen Department of an office supply company. Your department is right next to the Paper Department. You are asked to answer the telephone for the person in charge of the Paper Department while he steps away for a minute. While he is gone, you take a call from a gentleman who is requesting to know if your company carries a certain type of paper. You fell uncertain on how to look up that information, but you think you can do it. You do, however, still have to maintain charge of your own department. What do you do?* a. Do you quickly find someone to watch your department and help the gentleman with his request? b. Do you tell the gentleman that the person in charge of that department is away, but upon his return, you will ensure that he call the gentleman back? c. Do you tell him, “Yes, we have that paper,” just to get him off the phone and hope that things work out? d. Do you tell him, “I’m sorry, sir, that is not my department. I really don’t know. Could you call back in 5 minutes?” 44. The best reward I get from working is the satisfaction of doing a good job.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c, Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 45. My employer expects me to do my best every day.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 46. In dealing with people on a daily basis, you, as an employee, should always:* a. Make sure that the customer always receives your best service. b. Be dressed in the best clothes c. Assume that the company is always right. d. Try not to get too involved and pass it on to someone else. SECTION 8 - FINANCE Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.47. Paying your bills has no effect on your career.* a. True b. False 48. It is not a problem for a debt collector to call me at work.* a. True b. False 49. It is essential to be responsible for bills that have consequences such as home, car and utilities.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 50. Food is a non-essential budget item because you have a choice in how much to spend.* a. True b. False 51. Buying groceries is better for my budget than eating out.* a. True b. False 52. When you buy groceries, buy staple foods instead of prepared foods.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 9 - STRESS Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.53. Low energy, high blood sugar and weak immunity could be physical symptoms of stress.* a. True b. False 54. One of the healthiest ways to relax is to have a cigarette and a beer after work.* a. True b. False 55. The only symptoms of stress are emotional and behavioral.* a. True b. False 56. Practicing feeling good has a lot to do with mastering stress.* a. True b. False 57. Unresolved problems at work can stress us out and can often lead to people losing their jobs.* a. True b. False 58. I believe that I can enjoy life, even though I still have tough problems to deal with.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 59. Difficult times and events in my life can be special opportunities for new growth.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 10 - YOUR LOOKS MATTER Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.60. People will make judgments of you before you even speak based on the way you look.* a. True b. Flse Instructions:Please rank your answers to the following statements by selecting one of the five available answers.61. It is okay to wear my house shoes and pajama bottoms when I go out anywhere.* a. True b. False 62. Clothes are very important and you should always make a fashion statement.* a. True b. False 63. There is a lot of power in a first impression because:* a. Pepole need to see you wearing expensive clothes. b. This is how people remember you. c. You want to be the best dressed at work. d. Power gives you control over everybody else. 64. Someone thinks you have an unpleasant body odor, but you think you spell okay. This could be because you have become accustomed to your on odor. To be sure that you do not offend anyone, your should:* a. Make sure you bathe daily and use deodorant on a daily basis. b. Continue to do what you do because that is your smell and people should just get used to it. c. Tell people to mind their own business. d. Try to bathe at least once every other day or two. 65. Hygiene is very important in your everday life because:* a. Other people might make nasty remarks about how you smell. b. You are taking precautions to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. c. You want to make sure you get the boss's attention d. Washing your hands is more important than brushing your teeth. SECTION 11 - MATH AND GRAMMAR Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.66. Simple math can be in our every day life, such as in our cooking, driving and even shopping.* a. True b. False 67. 1/2 of 80 is the same as 80 multiplied by .50 which is the same as 50% of 80 and which is the same as 80 divided by 2.* a. True b. False 68. Dividing 90 by 3 is the same as 1/2 of 90.* a. True b. False 69. Your favorite pair of shoes normally cost $60. The clerk tells you that they on sale for 50% off, how much will you pay?* a. $50.00 b. $20.00 c. $30.00 d. $40.00 70. You have volunteered to bake a casserole for the office dinner. Your office staff consists of 30 people, but your recipe only serves 10. By how much will you have to multiply your recipe to have enough for everyone?* a. 10 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 71. Correct grammar is an important part of good communication skills.* a. True b. False 72. A verg expresses action.* a. True b. False 73. A noun should always agree with its verb causing a sentence to read, "She does" instead of "She do."* a. True b. False 74. A noun* a. Expresses action b. Shows relation to a pronoun c. Is a person, place or thing d. Always comes after a verb 75. A pronoun* a. Takes the place of a verb b. Takes the place of an adjective c. Takes the place of a noun d. Takes the place of an adverb SECTION 12 - MAKING YOUR JOB WORK FOR YOU Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.76. What must you do correctly in order to succeed in your job?* a. Accept criticism constructively. Learn form your mistakes. Accept new challenges willingly. d. Make co-workers like you. 77. What is really important to you at work?* a. Satisfaction of the job. b. Money c. Hours d. Location 78. How will you manage the things that hinder your success?* a.Do not ask for help, figure it out on your own b. Blame others c. Become aware of obstacles early and deal with them rather than ignore them. d. Let somebody else deal with the issues; you just do your job. 79. If you are a working parent, what would be the first thing you would have to take care of so that you could begin to work?* a. Transportation b. Childcare c. Take care of home issues d. Personal grooming 80. You should never question any orders given you by your supervisor.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 13 - BEING GREAT AT WORK Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.81. As a good employee, the company owes you more than just a paycheck.* a. True b. False 82. You are scheduled to work at 8:00am and you get to work at 8:00am. This does not really make you late.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 83. How you manage your home has no effect on you at work.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 84. Getting to work early should help insure me in getting a promotion.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 85. My job is very important to me.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 14 - APPRECIATING DIVERSITY Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.86. People want to feel appreciated, understood, admired, and favorably judged for what they do and for who they are.* a. True b. False 87. People want to feel cared about and listened to and they want to be accepted for who they really are.* a. True b. False 88. We want to belong, be liked and respected for both the ways we are alike and the ways we are different.* a. True b. False 89. Part of your job is:* a. To ensure everyone is at their work station. b. To appreciate and respect others at your job. c. To let everyone know the news of the day d. To scheduler lunch and events. 90. You will be more successful at work if:* a. You realize that some people get hired because of who they know. b. You appreciate everyone at your job. c. You understand and get along with the people you work with. d. You just stay to yourself. SECTION 15 - DEALING WITH PROBLEMS AT WORK Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.91. Our problems are opportunities from which to learn and grow.* a. True b. False 92. Our work never changes and we never learn anything new in our jobs.* a. True b. False 93. Problem-solving is a big part of your job that you get paid for.* a. True b. False 94. When you are willing to work through problems, you will find that there are:* a. Other people to blame. b. Positive Solutions c. Issues caused by the company d. No solutions 95. Your co-worker starts a fire at his station. It is lunchtime, so you decide to report it after you get back from lunch.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree SECTION 16 - LEADERSHIP Instructions: Please answer the following Questions by selecting one of the multiple choice answers below.96. What are the attributes that you feel powerful people have in common?* a. High Self-esteem b. Financial resources c. Support system d. Personal trainer 97. Some of the attributes that powerful people have in common can make a person really successful. This success is something that really impressed you. What attribute should impress you the most?* a. Someone who makes a promise and keeps it. b. Someone who believes in themselves and knows they can do anything. c. Someone who makes lots and lots of money. d. Someone who looks really good. 98. I should report all unsafe misconducts to my supervisor.* a. Strongly Agree b. Somewhat Agree c. Agree d. Somewhat Disagree e. Strongly Disagree 99. Leaders make more money and have a greater responsibility in the success of their company.* a. True b. False 100. A good leader understands their role and motivates others to perform.* a. True b. False