Job Readiness, This Issue's FEATURE
Excerpt from Life Transitions, Managing Change Creating Your Future It has been said the path to your greatest personal growth is through your problems. You are invited to embrace your problems for unless you have them, they will have you. There’s a huge...
Job Search, This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams When most people think of customer service they think of sweating away in a fast food restaurant or maybe sitting on the phone in a cubicle eating Cheetos. That could not be further from the truth! Customer service is exactly what it sounds like,...
February 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
STEPS TO LANDING A JOB THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY Article provided by When you’re embarking on a new job search, it is very helpful to first think about the types of jobs you could be happy with. You should think about the type of company, the...