Fun Jobs and Careers

By Yolanda L. Salazar Being a member of a Rapid Response Team for the State of Texas, the WPMG Team was witness to many, many people losing their employment through no fault of their own. These were certainly stressful times for these individuals. WPMG would come in...

Are You Being Watched At Work?

By Cmone Collins My name is Lily Donovan and I work for a large drug chain as a cashier. I’ve never had a real job before, where I actually had to clock in, wear a uniform, etc. The only work experience I’ve had is doing light work for my grandparents’ company, so I...

20 Random Acts of Kindness At Work

By Ayunne Collins Have you ever done a good deed and made someone’s day? If yes, that’s great! It will bring good feelings to you and eventually to your family because you pass your good feelings on to them. If you haven’t done a good deed, try making someone’s life...

New Year’s Greeting

January 1st isn’t just the celebration of a new year; it’s a time to renew yourself. I’m not just talking about your appearance, but your reputation and actions as well. Make reasonable goals that you want to reach and accomplish in the new year of 2014. Keep the...