February 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Sheena Williams Looking at the ups and downs of last year can certainly make your head spin. All of the choices that you did or didn’t make, the chances that you did and didn’t take have all led you to the “you” that you are at this moment!...
January 2013 Magazine, This Issue's FEATURE
By Melvin Collins. Jr. January 1, 2013 marks the beginning of the twenty-fifth year of Workforce Partners Management Group, LLC. This company began as ADAPT Publishing Company, Inc. by Melvin Collins, Jr. and Yolanda L. Salazar to write and publish transitional and...
January 2013 Magazine, Job Readiness
by FORBESWOMAN Top Five Personality Traits Employers Hire Most I know you: You’ve made looking for your next job, well… your job. You’ve scoured your resume of clichéd buzzwords, brushed up on body language and even gotten a handle on the...
January 2013 Magazine, Job Readiness
by Forbes.com 10 Body Language Interview Mistakes From eye contact to posture to the way you fix your hair, avoid these 10 physical slip-ups in your next job interview. 1. Bad Postured Posture Leaning back is lazy or arrogant, leaning forward is aggressive and...