Since January 1989, Workforce Partners Management Group, LLC (WPMG) has provided publishing, employment, consulting and transition-related services to clients around the world. Its clients include the United States Government (GSA), Texas Workforce Commission, local workforce boards, community colleges and various other institutions by offering books, training, consulting, job fairs and placement services.

ADAPT Publishing Company, a division of WPMG, has published more than thirty-five books about job search, job-readiness, transition, stress, and finance. These user-friendly publications have helped thousands of participants through their transitions to better lives.

In 2007, WPMG services included the development of a re-employment center which assisted many laid-off workers to create resumes, develop job-readiness/job search skills, learn to use a computer and find employment. Many of our customers continue to thrive today in new and exciting fields they had not considered viable for themselves.

Assisting military personnel, housing authority residents, food stamp/TANF recipients, and workers who have been downsized and seeking direction, WPMG has discovered a population that was not receiving much attention and a group who deserved a careful look – the college student.

This is a population considered more job-ready than most, a group who can easily read, write, and have better mathematical capabilities plus a proven desire to work and achieve.

This population is comprised of students from our local colleges and universities, community colleges, as well as technical and trade schools. Attending an institution of higher learning, these individuals have passed entrance exams, paid their way through college, have acquired loans and many are supporting families. They are motivated to work and seek the American dream. is designed to give deserving college students an opportunity to excel.

Employers benefit from CampusJobXpress by getting a more job-ready employee, an employee with skills, knowledge of computers, plus a degree of training and education that make them a valuable asset to any business.

CampusJobXpress is placing college students in a position to improve their lives and assist businesses in hiring the best employees on the market today.

Upon creating this website geared toward the college student, WPMG was confronted with the fact that this website can also work for any individual seeking employment. Other programs have been developed from this to create services and benefits to the workforce agencies, military and businesses by providing a bridge between job seekers and employers.

With the use of the website, individuals are able to create their own web page on where they can display and present their resume, summary of qualifications, their bio and a one-minute or less video interview.

WPMG, through CJX, screens and assesses applicants and puts them into designated categories of their choosing in order to make their placement a good and profitable fit. This allows for matching qualified job seekers to available and appropriate employers.

In this manner, employers have access to peruse the qualified applicants on file on CJX and are able to make definite decisions about the people they want to hire – without even leaving their office – at the tip of their fingers.

WPMG wishes to thank everyone with whom they have had the pleasure of working and is looking forward to continuing a professional and prosperous relationship with them, as well as building new ones along the way.